Monday, January 09, 2006

Sold out

Lately I've been congratulating myself on my environmental credentials:
- I walk or take public transport everywhere
- I carry old plastic bags with me when I go shopping
- I save stuff for recycling and take it to the nearest depot once a week
- I don't use heating at home - we're warmed by other flats above, below and on two sides

But the desparation of underemployment has caused me to sell my soul. I start a new part-time job today teaching English to engineers in an oil company. It's hardly going to be as rewarding as my other job.

Then again, I'm looking forward to teaching educated people with a very high boredom threshold.


Anonymous said...

Vat? U do not haff recykling in your house? Here in Chermany in ze home vee haff vun bin for plastiks, vun for organik vaste, vun for papier and vun for ze rest. As for glass, diss must be taken to ze special glass kontainers in ze streets or parking lots. Dair are sree bins, vun for green glass, vun for brown and vun for vyte. But vee kannot bring ze glass on Sundays bekause ze poor neighbours do not like ze krach! [loud noise]

And vee do not get ze plastik bags in ze supermarkt. Vee bring our own kotton bags efery time. Herr S. and I alvays brought deez bags viss us to ze supermarkt in ze other strange kountries and zay alvays giff us ferry funny looks. I vant to shout at dem "Vee are safing your enfironment, don't you know?" Was für eine Unverschämtheit!

Anonymous said...

That is cool! The UK is years away from that. I don't think many people here bother taking their stuff to the nearest recycling point.

Well done on educating the world!