Friday, July 14, 2006

Work stuff

One of my bosses apologised this week - the funding application has been rejected for the additional project I was going to work on. My other boss has promised just a couple of additional hours when the new academic year starts in September. I'm feeling lazy working 2.5 days a week. I'm looking forward to starting my final uni subject in a couple of weeks time.

Meanwhile, I went to a training today where I met an Australian lady with a similar qualification to mine. She spent a couple of years doing office temping before she got her first teaching job in London. That made me feel better about the miserable month it took me to get work. 'You're lucky' she said, 'I sounded much more Australian than you when I first arrived'.

To increase her employment prospects she's completed local qualifications which are at a lower level than the postgraduate one we both have from Sydney. Nine years later she's about to start the same masters course that I have almost finished by distance. If I'm not more employable in nine years will someone please force me to change career?

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