Sunday, June 03, 2007

To facebook?

Suddenly I seem to be the only person I know without a facebook profile. I like the idea of being able to catch up with friends who I've lost touch with. And I guess it would be a good way of letting them know about my blog.

But is facebook just another way of wasting a lot of time on the internet? I don't know if I can afford another addiction at the moment... maybe I should wait until the end of term.

And if I had an account with a link to my blog I'd need to go through my archives and do a little editing. I suppose that might be a good thing anyway.

Any advice? I know you people have profiles because I've snooped around and seen a few of them!


Iqbal Khaldun said...

It is great but be warned it is very addictive and can become a great excuse to procrastinate.

Um having said that, set one up, Mr Nomad too, but I'd suggest against putting your blog address up. I figure everyone who should be reading your blog already knows the address...

Jean said...

Beware Facebook is like a super virus. It's great for getting in touch with old friends and photo-surfing but sneaky time sucker.

On an unrelated note, Phillip wants to get a bike too.

Cal said...

I don't have one, though I've recently discovered that even at my advanced age some of my contemporaries have them. I had previously thought it was one of those things that teenagers do.

I also appear to have friends who are addicted to LiveJournal which again I thought was for the 'young folk'.

(OK, now I'm actually sounding older than I really am!)

Joe said...

Cal I thought I might be too old for facebook until I found out at your birthday drinks that your friend had an account :)

Today I found my colleague (who has several uni essays due this week and is hardly sleeping) on facebook between lessons. Hmm...

Does anyone worry about colleagues, prospective employers etc. finding their facebook profiles? I'd be afraid that my students at school would find mine!

Jean, hooray for Philip! I had to take my bike for repairs again today (after crashing last week) and was so excited that it was only 10 pounds! If only my sore arm could be fixed so easily!

Anonymous said...


Joe said...

I assume you mean a facebook account, rather than a bike :)

If my almost married sibling is on there I guess I can do it too...

Jean said...

I have been told that recruiters do prowl on Facebook. I guess it makes goood sense given there are so many company networks on FB.

Also EY (one of the top 4 chartered accounting firms) recently used Facebook as part of their recent graduate recruitment campaign.

I referred Phillip to your blog re bike. But he wants a mountain bike!? Not sure how serious he is.

Anonymous said...

I don't even know what Facebook is. A sure sign that I'm getting old. But I probably don't even want to know either.

Joe said...

While browsing Facebook on Mogfa's account tonight, I discovered that there is a Chungking Mansions group. I think that settles it :)

Anonymous said...

Wonder why I post as anonymous? Spend 4 minute on this source which is reffered by the Electronic Privacy Information Center and save your self not just a lot of time on Facebook:

Do you have a Facebook?

j a s o n said...

Here's a question for Phil, where is he gonna ride a mountain bike in London?

Sunny is Mr Active and his mountain bike is now pretty much untouched. He won't ride it anymore, after some near misses.

Maybe they can go together to do some trails in the countryside??

I lost interest in bikes myself, funny as I used to ride all the time in Sydney. But I did live 500m from a National Park.

London sucks anyway (this will be a recurring theme of mine now) - tell him to buy one when he goes somewhere more suburban...or closer to a Riding Trail. Unless he wants to take on the traffic like Joe.

He can have a look at Joe's arm first for a second opinion!

Joe said...

Oh I wish my arm was injured from something as exciting as taking on traffic... actually the bike and I attacked a pole. It was the bike's decision...

Cycling in London really isn't that dangerous. When you start riding you notice that there are all sorts on bikes - businessmen, grannies, families...

I feel much safer here than I did cycling in Sydney. Drivers there honk as they pass, just because they don't feel cyclists have any right to the road.

Iqbal Khaldun said...

I think I might get a bike too. I notice a lot of business men and grannies on bikes, but I agree with Jase it's not really mountain bike conditions. I had a mountie in Canberra and it was great for offroading but on the roads it was a real struggle.