Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Getting festive

After feedback from various sources that I am whinging too much I have decided to banish all negativity from this blog for the remainder of the year. For the rest of 2005 I will publish cute, inoffensive photos with minimal writing. The first is a picture of gingerbread men that I baked for my students and work colleagues today...


Anonymous said...

so nice of you to bake them something! Looks really yummy!

Btw, i received your card yesterday. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

It was more of a desperate attempt to make sure that they come back after our one week Christmas break!

Anonymous said...

Hey, the gingerbread men are soooooo cute!

Btw, I like your whinging. It makes me feel like I'm not the only one.

Anonymous said...

ooh! I have been waiting for the day that I get a blog comment from my favourite German camel (btw people, the k is not silent).
Don't worry, I'm already bursting to whinge again... I can't last for too long.