Friday, September 01, 2006


My family move house today. The new one is in the bottom right hand corner. I know which one it is because I have a collection of postcards sent by mum, all complete with arrows and 'our new house!'.

The greenish water in front was one of the areas where we used to go snorkelling for school sport. There's a lot to see there - lobster, crabs, huge groper, smaller fish and urchins.

Meanwhile it's the first day of autumn here in the UK. It's looking kind of dark and gloomy outside. Weirdly, the uni task I am working on is an analysis of a conversation about huge cockroaches in Manly.


Anonymous said...

oh wow. it's gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Joe- found this on SMH!!

ps. after watching shakira's new video clip Judy and I ahve been contemplating belly dancing classes!!

Anonymous said...

Ooh! That's a little more edgy than pilates! I guess you live in a cooler neighbourhood now...

The performance that the article talks about is on youtube. She is really out of breath and sings strangely.