This is the first year for the Trafalgar Square event and it was a bit of a disappointment. The onstage entertainment consisted mostly of speeches, it was much more of a public rally than a celebration.

The tents didn't offer much of interest either. I hoped for food stalls and instead got a stand selling portable bidets. Yuk!
Thankfully, the crowd offered much entertainment.
There was Britain's tallest Muslim. It's hard to comprehend his height here because the woman next to him was very tall herself.

There was a lot of interesting headgear.

There were these two Elvis inspired dancers who gyrated while a little girl sang a song dedicated to the children of Pakistan.

And there were fund-raising fairies eating burgers. Given the nature of the event, I don't think they'd chosen the best outfits to promote their cause!

Great compositions!
Yes, brilliantly executed!
Ha ha... I should coerce people into making comments more often...
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