'Guess what I bought yesterday! A pomelo!'.
Hooray! I influenced someone!
And she's not the only one. It's the last week of term and I got my students to do self assessments of their learning. To my surprise 'How have you used what you learnt?' prompted real answers like 'I used the spelling rules to spell words in my IT class' and 'I wrote a thank you letter to my work experience boss'. I'm a very easily pleased teacher.
Meanwhile, I have moved on from pomelo to a new food obsession. I have embarked on the gluten free baking journey with these lemon and poppyseed muffins, made with polenta. I've made three different versions so far and am still tweaking...
What muffin flavour would go best with Peppermint tea???
YUM! that looks fantastic!i like the creative decorative touch of the lemon on top!
Oh yums! I love lemon and poppyseed muffins!
Do you know that poppyseeds can't be bought in Singapore the government bans the import of them, saying poppyseeds are classified under narcotics!
So if i ever want to bake poppyseed muffins, i'll need to get someone to smuggle some in for me first!
Jason, these work pretty well. At least they will when I get them tasting right!
Joan, that is so funny! I think I'll call them 'banned in Singapore' muffins. So glad you had a good trip to Australia, btw. Your photos are fantastic!
I'm embarressed...i didn't even know what a pomelo was!
Haha..i have food obsessions to! The latest being these yummy bread sticks - i can't explain them but they're very nice :)
Hey Amy! Just as well you can't explain since I can't eat bread anway.... hooray that you hadn't heard of pomelos - another success in my pomelo awareness campaign!
yup- looks delicious.
you could also try with orange (fresh zest & juice) and subsitute the regular flour for half almond-meal, half polenta. (Almond-meal isn't super-cheap but i made orange almond polenta cake a couple of times in Australia when I was there last winter and it was really good.)Btw if you take up this idea skip the poppy seeds...too many competing flavours.
Yum Pip! Now I have my next variation!
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