Her new place is cool with a view over Shoreditch Park. I'm jealous. And her new flatmates are very friendly and quite funky. One even has (quite clean looking - I approve) dreadlocks.
She was a little anxious about making a good impression. But then she found out that the girl who she replaced was bringing home several different men per night, hosting wild parties (when flatmates were away) and doing drugs in the bathroom. As Mogfa said, 'Whatever I do, I've got to be an improvement on that!'.
Mogfa's move has inspired me. I'm not sure if it's age but I'm getting over inner city living. I loved it when I was in Hong Kong but people there don't tend to pee on the streets. Come to think of it, they don't vomit all over the place either. It's charming what alcohol does to people.
We're going to view an flat on the weekend which is between Mogfa and Cal's places, about ten minutes walk from each. Fingers crossed.
hey, i recognise that painting! Glad it made its way over fine.
Empty nest? Do you guys want to adopt me? Insert adorable puppy dog look here. You know how much I lurve your place!
Eeh, hurrah. Hope it's good. I foresee lots of yummy Vietnamese food in the future if you do move this way.
Mind you, if you think Shoreditch is moving out of inner city living then I really think you need to visit the real suburbs more!
Jean, you know you actually might fit lengthways on the sofa!
Cal, I'm learning that in London (at least where we're looking) it's more of a case of 'hope it's good and hope that no one else gets in and takes it before you get there.' And 'hope there is no bidding war on the rental price'.
But, I think the quiet streets of Putney Bridge/Chiswick Park were too Suburban for you no?
I am thinking somewhere warm, sunny, beaches, thinking suburbia, thinking Sydney...come on, GO HOME!!!!
Yes, that was too suburban and just too far away. It's weird how most of London seems to live in the west and work in the east. I guess it's another of those English masochistic things - they want to have a hideous commute to work and then get to whinge about it.
As for Sydney, it's even further away than Putney!
Hmmm, Jubilee Line was down at 7.30pm...so I went to DLR, waited 20min for a train..went two stops into the journey in the tightly packed train, the driver says the train is faulty and we have to get out.
5 trains later and I get one to Tower Hill...
I finally got home at 9pm...
London sucks.
Hehe... if we move to the burbs I'm going to get a bike. And I'm going to make a sign for it that says 'good service operating'.
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